Branding, Logo, Website, Digital Billboards, Brochures, Flyers, Postcards, Videography, Social Media
What’s Your Healthy?
Objective: To inform the region on Covid Recovery in Grant County.
Tactics: Social Media messaging from community leaders in both English and Spanish.
GCHD Print
JBe Marketing Group produced multiple print materials for local newspapers as well as community outreach posters in both English and Spanish.

What’s Your Healthy Campaign
Objective: The COVID recovery affected residents differently. JBe supported the communications with a variety of messages from eating nutritious foods, exercising to seeking out friends for support.
Tactic: Video, Radio, Reels, Print
GCHD Focus Groups
Objective: To gain an understanding of residents opinions on healthcare services and support programs throughout Grant County.
Tactic: Three focus groups were held. A series of questions were provided and JBe gathered information, analyzed data and provided a 50-page report on findings.