“Chelan Douglas Health District has been working with JBe Marketing Group since February 2021. Jennifer has supported the communications team on numerous projects including COVID-19 campaigns. Chelan Douglas Health District is very thankful for the expertise and passion that drive’s Jennifer’s work ethic. She has been a huge asset to the communications department during COVID19 response.”
Branding, Logo, Website, Billboards, Brochures, Flyers, Postcards, Videography, Social Media
What’s Your Healthy?
Objective: To inform the region on Covid Recovery in Chelan, and Douglas Counties.
Tactics: Testimonials or statements from community leaders, students and CDHD emplolyees used on social media in both English and Spanish.
CDHD Brochure
JBe Marketing Group produced multiple print materials such as a brochure and outreach posters.
What’s Your Healthy Campaign
Objective: In 2021, residents were all at a different recovery in their healthcare. These messages reminded the community about services such as nutrition, mental health support, and other recovery opportunities.
Tactic: Short statements from real community members used on social media.